Friday, August 8, 2014

August 3, 2014 – Jungle Survival Tips? The Work is Progressing - Week 5 in Sibu Jaya

This week was good.

Dad:  Did you have another calamity happen this week?

Elder Halpin: Yes something bad did happen this week father. I woke up on Friday with a bad back which continued until Sunday. Basically just way sore, not even sure what I did to it.... The curse continues...

No but really this week was good. Sister Lulong continues to progress. We taught the restoration and gospel of Jesus Christ this week. She seems to understand and is working on praying.

The Phillips family went to Kampoung early Sunday morning because Sister Sarawa

s’ father went to the hospital. Anyway, he and his son Lawrence stayed and came to church. He’s so solid, more than a lot of members.

Brother Belayong is a recent convert. He’s a way cool guy. He’s done just about everything and then some - sword smith, farmer, general worker, fisherman at sea, keeper of the sultan of Brunei's horses and then some. He also owns every animal under the sun, chickens, a goat, pigs, sivets, a slow loris, cats, dogs, a hummingbird and a lot of pigeons also a monkey. Anyway we’ve been helping him get into the habit of reading and also helping him understand the various doctrines more. On Thursday we went over and he had randomly bought a baby monkey from a guy who also tried to sell him a sun bear, he didn’t want the bear though because it wasn’t a cub and was already fierce he said.

Victoria is doing well, came to church again this week.

Kevin and John not so much. John doesn’t really want to listen to us and always belittles Kevin. So not sure what to do. We will see.

My wrist continues to stink. Next Wednesday, not 2 days from now but next week, the cast should be good to come off. Doctor says it’s healing fast.

Went to a hill looking over Sibu Saturday morning.

Went to Sister Selehas’ "farm" this morning with her family and sister Kat. Basically it is just the jungle. Anyway we gathered bamboo shoots, rubber tree leaves, like last time, and also jackfruit. Also found a huge (6 inches across) sugarcane. Also, we used bamboo to knock down fruit and I mentioned that I had heard that you can drink the water in bamboo. I was laughed at by everyone and told it was dirty. I asked what to do then if I was lost in the jungle with no water. They explained that you just find a clean river... Anyway there was small creek which they said was clean, no plantations or people living near it. They were like "ya, just drink it." I was like "no you have to boil it", once again laughed to pieces. Sister Seleha proceeded to cut a cup from bamboo and got some water from this brown creek and proceeded to drink, then passed it around to everyone else. All the Malaysians, including Elder Chan, drank with complete confidence not worrying about anything, so, I did too... If I wake up tomorrow with giardia I will never trust Iban’s about jungle survival again. Anyway on the way there we drove/walked through some rice paddies that back in the day (1962-1990, was when the war was) where the communist rebels camped/hid.

Anyway, good week, sounds like yours was good too. Scout camp was always a blast and dad, how fast were you going?

Elder Halpin

Pictures this week:

Climbing the hill. It was nice and grassy so I went barefoot.

At a Muslim guy's Hari Raya party.

The baby monkey. 
It was sleepy, pretty much instantly fell asleep if you held it.

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